Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Trust God

“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” (2Cor 12:8)

I read somewhere that sheep are so dumb that if while being herded they were led to a cliff they would literally run off the cliff. And not just the first few. But each and every one of them. Isn’t it interesting then that in the Bible we are compared to as sheep? That may not exactly sound like a compliment!

It’s not a compliment. But it’s not an insult either. After all, we are made in God’s image. But it’s not that man is so dumb. It is that God is so wise. Compared to Almighty God we are about as wise as a sheep – if that! And that’s the message in the quote above.

To me this quote makes one thing loud and clear.

God wants us to trust Him

He’s saying He wants us to put all our faith, all our hopes, fears, anxieties, dreams, everything we have struggling inside of us in His hands. He can handle it.

Now as believers we receive that news and it sounds good, on the surface. But aren’t there times in our lives that this is extremely hard? I know it is for me.

It’s so easy to second guess God isn’t it? So easy to wonder why something is happening to us or not happening to us. Why do we do that I wonder? I think it’s because we get two important concepts confused. We start to confuse the concept of free will (that God gives us) and the concept of giving God ultimate control. There is a definite difference.

God gave us free will. We have control over the decisions we make, the actions we take. It’s totally in our hands. But that’s where it ends for us. Because as much as we can do, who ultimately controls the outcome? Who controls the result? Not us. God does.

So often we blame “circumstances” for where we are in life. “My boss didn’t give me that promotion. It’s his fault.” Well yes, we can control our actions to do the extra work to help get that promotion. But in the end God makes the call as to whether we receive that promotion. Not us. Not even your boss!

If we are going to grow in our walk with God now is the time to make a change in our thinking, in our actions and especially in our words. We need to make trusting God an action. We need to walk in our reliance on God everyday. Remember that God knew us before we were even formed in our mother’s womb. God spoke and the world was created. Just from his words! He’s all powerful and He only wants what is right for us in the long run, not the short run. Yet we still actually question Him. No wonder we’re compared to as sheep!

Let’s look at the other side of coin to be fair here. How much is God involved in our daily lives every day in every way? How much does He intercede and protect us from harm in ways we’ll never know? Everyday there are probably thousands of things that can go wrong in our lives. But God holds them in place, makes a wrong right for us, steps in so we can avoid a bad situation that literally goes unnoticed by us. Gang He’s there. He’s always there with us. Let’s be aware of this and be filled with thanks for Him

And let’s show God how much we trust Him! If you’re the person who didn’t get a promotion like the above example, start talking like a believer. A believer says “I didn’t get that promotion because that’s not the right path for me at this time. Anyway God’s got something even better for me down the road.” That’s what a trusting soul would say. How great would it be if we all led our lives like that! In true faith. How much would that please God!

Walking in our reliance in God is hard. It’s not for the faint hearted. I think sometimes Christians are wrongly looked at as weak. We rely on God. Maybe some people think that relying on God means we don’t do anything. But the fact is letting go and letting God takes courage. Great courage. When we let go and give a situation to God and stop trying to control a thing we leave ourselves open. We’re vulnerable and unprotected to the harsh elements of life. But in our hour of weakness God can show His awesome, healing, supernatural power. When we allow Him to step in, we can feel and experience God’s grace. God’s perfect peace. He’s waiting for us to trust Him. And He is pleased when we trust him.

As Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:10: “…for when I am weak then I am strong.”

God Bless You!
To Him be the glory!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Run so as to Win

Run so as to Win

“Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize. Run so as to win.” (1 Cor 9:24)

Here is one of my favorite quotes in the Bible. Even though it was written literally thousands of years ago it almost sounds like it is right out of one of the motivational books that are so popular now. I am a little surprised that this quote isn’t more well known because this is something that could help us all in every single area of our lives.

To me there are three parts to this quote to take with us in our lives. At first it seems like the message is-win, go for it, grab that ring. But notice it does not say to “win”. The message is run so as to win.

Let’s look at a baseball analogy that describes running so as to win. A batter hits a blooper to the pitcher. The infielders barely have to hustle to get the ball and throw him out. But this quote is in what the batter is doing. Is he trotting to first? Walking,? Some barely even leave the batters box because it’s an “easy out”. Then there are the others. And they are hauling butt, running as fast as they can to reach first base. That is a person who is running so as to win. It makes no difference to him at that point how he hit the ball. It makes no difference how unlikely it is that he’ll be safe because he cannot control that. All he can control is his body, his legs to run, his arms to pump and his gaze fixed on that first base bag.

Now a batter running in a major league game is a wonderful analogy. But it really only scratches the surface of running so as to win. You see, that athelete had to train long and hard before this. Let’s view one more sports analogy that describes the real heart of running so as to win. Ironically (or maybe not so ironic) running is a great example. If you and I are runners it means we get up perhaps in the early morning, maybe when it’s still dark. Not exactly glamorous, there’s no one there to cheer us on like in the baseball game. Now we start to run. Our feet start to hurt. Maybe we get a blister, maybe it’s freezing out, maybe it’s sweltering out, the elements may be having a field day around and on us! Our thoughts are like a battlefield. “Let’s go home” we hear a voice saying. “We must be crazy to still be out here.” “That’s enough for today.” But when we still run in spite of all those things- we’re running so as to win.

Well gang, life isn’t a baseball game, is it? Most of us are not runners in training. Things aren’t always so black and white. But the message is no different. Let’s remember that running so as to win also means having a winning attitude. And having it when it’s not so easy. In those many small moments of weakness that we all have. When we want to stay in bed, when we want to turn on the TV and ‘veg’. When we want to walk away from something or someone Yes running so as to win is sometimes the hardest thing we can do. It’s why we need God’s grace and strength.

Winning is wonderful and sometimes we will win. But the next layer of this quote is to not be so concerned about the result. In other words let’s not be so focused on getting all the blessings we want. Let’s be concerned with doing in a way that pleases Jesus Christ. What does that mean? That means not complaining to anyone who’ll listen. Not taking the easy way out, not doing it with an attitude purely of obligation. But instead, let’s do it with a cheerful heart, a sincere heart and with a strong sense of purpose because we’re serving Almighty God after all. Those athletes mentioned above would not have made it anywhere if they conducted themselves in a poor manner. If they cut corners, if they trained just because they felt they had to but didn’t have a passion for it. That’s the batter who just trots to first base. That’s the runner who gives in to the voices, cuts their run short, won’t run in inclement weather. If we don’t conduct ourselves in a way that pleases God our efforts will not reflect God’s grace, His glory.

The last layer is no less important and maybe the hardest to live. That is to know that even though we may run so as to win and in a way that pleases God, there is still the chance that whatever we are working towards still may not happen. But not just knowing
it, accepting it. Submitting to God’s plan for us. Ouch! This is very hard for us sometimes isn’t it? I know it is for me. But ultimately God is in real control of everything. He is the Master. And He will only give us what is best for us, even though it may not seem that way in the moment. As hard as it is let’s try to break free from a result we want today for the result of being with God tomorrow. The batter that runs so as to win knows he may not be safe at first. But that’s a chance he’s willing to take.

The Bible tells us that if we believe in Christ we are saved and we will be with Him in heaven. That’s awesome but when we get there, what will Jesus say to us? If we live our life running so as to win I think we’ll hear the words we long to: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
If we are running so as to win, we have already won in the eyes of our Lord.
God Bless You!
To Him be the Glory!