Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them...."

"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them:..." (Rom 12:6)

This is one of the most important things to remind ourslves of daily. Why? Because it looks simple and it is a simple idea. But there are far reaching ways to put this into practice.

This quote can be applied in two major ways. Firstly with ourslves. We must realize that we cannot be all things. It is just impossible. We are fallen man. However God has placed certain things in each of us that He wants, expects & even demands us to use. Usually we know what they are but if you're not sure simply get quiet, still, & simply ask the Lord with a clear mind & heart. You'll get your answer immediately and as clear as a bell. And I'll bet it won't come as a surprise to you. But whatever it is, now you need to put your focus on it. Spend time doing it, whatever it is. Don't question it. Just do it. You must realize that God put that thing there for a reason. You may never know what that reason is but it's there so use it. God made the entire universe. He knows why He gave you that talent. That quality may benefit anyone from your future ancestors to your next door neighbor! You just never know.
The scripture above goes on to say "...; if prophecy, a proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering, if one is a teacher, in teaching;...." (Rom 12:6,7) The point is put your heart, mind, passion, time & love into that thing or those things because that is His calling for you.
So what is it for you? If you don't know ask the Lord like above. Then thank Him for the talent(s) & then go do it!

The other way to use this is with others. This means we must accept people with all their positives & short comings. No one is perfect & we all have our flaws. Maybe your son isn't the best student but loves to play music. Or maybe your daughter isn't the star soccer player but loves animals. Maybe your parents are negative but are always there to help you. Maybe your spouse is great with the budget but eats to excess. No matter what it is, don't try to change them. Accept them. Some of the greatest people in history including Biblical heros had flaws, big flaws. but you'd never think badly of them becayse of their wonderful & important roles. This is really no different. Love these people in your lives; accept them. The fact is they are the only ones that can change their ways. Of course you can encourage them to change in a positive & supportive way. But never be rude, critical, disrespectful, mean or harsh to them especially about these things. If you do, you are essentially questioning God. Remember He has a plan. Your spouse will change when he or she is ready to change. When God gives them the lead, not you. Your child may end up excelling at the things she or he loves now. And nowadays people can make a career out of almost anything! Again who are you to decide? It's not your place. Run your own race. And be a blessing & not a curse to those around you.

The late Erma Bombeck had a great thought. She said when she gets to heaven she thinks they'll ask if she had any unused talent, job or gift left over to return. Nope she said. I've used up everything I received & "I'm as naked as the day I was born".
What a great thing to be able to say.

Remember, we all have talents & they are different for each of us. Don't question them because they are all from God. But make sure you use them & use them wisely. They were given to you for a reason. And know that someday you will have to give an account if you did not use them and use them wisely. Do your best to say like Erma wanted to that you have nothing to return; you've used it all up! Amen!
God Bless you!
To Him Be the Glory!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Everything is lawful for me, but not everything is beneficial."

"Everything is lawful for me, but not everything is beneficial." (1 Cor 6:12)

Boy this quote really hits home. If ever there is a quote that flies in the face of today's society it's that one. It seems our society lives in an almost completely opposite way to this quote, doesn't it? Think about it. Peoples' sense of discretion seems to have faded. People used to think about the consequences of their actions. Now, if it feels good at that moment just do it.

I remember watching an episode of the popular TV show "Friends" once. A character on the show met someone on the internet & had great chemistry with her. He started to want to date her but found out (from her) that she was married. A little bummed out, he told another character on the show & said he was not going to pursue a relationship. But the other character chastized him. She (a woman no less!) said something like: "what if she's the one for you?" and ended up talking him into pursing a relationship with a married woman which he did. What message does that say? And remember how popular this show was and how many impressionable teenagers watched it. This is the furthest thing from the quote above.

We wonder sometimes why our life is in the shape it is. "What went wrong?" we ask. I submit that we need to be honest, hard as it may be, and take a real good look at our own actions. As paster Ed Smith recently said "alot of little yeses can lead to big messes". We are so caught up in doing what feels good that we tend to ignore that little part of us that tells us to wait and think. Realize that the world we're in is changing and we need to be more diligent than ever because discretion is simply not even condoned anymore.

This is more & more true right here in America. We have many wonderful rights as Americans. We have free speech, the right to bear arms, we can gamble legally in certain places, we can drink if we're over 21 and many more. But that doesn't mean that some of these are beneficial to us. Remember as Christians we have a duty to be obedient and what we even just expose ourselves to can tempt us in ways we may not be able to handle.

For example, gambling is legal in some areas. But think about how gambling can ruin your life, family, savings, self-esteem; it can truly be ugly. When you start to expose yourself to it, you get comfortable and it can subtly suck you in. Realize no one starts out wanting to be a gambling adict. They all start out very innocently. And it's more & more prevelant. In fact you don't even have to leave your home. Poker on TV is very popular. People actually will tune in to watch other people gambling!

But let's take something more grey. I'll not go into great depth on the book The DaVinci Code but even though, yes, Dan Brown can write and publish that book in this country. And, yes as Americans, we also have the 100% right to read this. But ask yourself, what benefit does it do us as Christians to read blasphemy? I know many Christians that read that book. The 'logic' is that it's interesting fiction and it means you have an 'open mind'. I wonder what that means. I think people want to be included in the general population as far as what people are talking about & that book was very popular. Sure, it's fiction and says lies about the Bible and history but read it anyway. But what happens is that that 'open mindedness' begins to lead to doubt after reading a book like that. And doubt is surely the enemy's favorite trait in humans.

Do you see now? Just because it's there, it's lawful (to man anyway), just because you're watching & not partaking doesn't mean it's OK. It's time to wake up! You can be better! You can decide to not "follow". The line above says " Everything is lawful for me, but not everything is beneficial." But the next line says "Everything is lawful to me, but I will not let myself be dominated by anything". (1 Cor 6:13) Now go out & don't let yourself be dominated by anything but the Lord!
God Bless You!
To Him Be The Glory!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Easy Quiz

Here's a simple quiz I'd like you to take. It's quick & easy because it's just one question:

Do you ever feel lost?
If you ansered yes, I'll bet the farm that Jesus Christ is not in your life. Here's another question: How would you like to feel better, alot better?
How would you like to feel like you belong? That you are accepted, & loved just the way you are-right now, right at this moment? Wherever you are right now as you read this, whomever you are with, whatever you are doing, no matter how 'bad' it is. You, my friend, ARE LOVED. How do I know that? Because it's simply the truth.

Maybe right now in your life no one loves & accepts you. Or maybe some do and some don't. Whatever it is, it does not mattter because JESUS LOVES YOU

He always has.

Perhaps you've been exposed to Jesus at some point in your life, but not anymore. Maybe you rejected Him or you thought He rejected you. Maybe someone told you that you are only accepted if you did or didn't live in a certain way. I'm here to tell you-nope. Either they lied or were (& still are) misinformed but it is NOT true. Jesus Christ loves you; He ALWAYS loves you. No matter what you say or don't say or do - it's always there.

Friend, have you been feeling as though you're missing something in your life or that there's a void? Maybe you feel that there is something that you can't get passed & wish you could. Well, you're right. That nagging feeling you've been having is right. You see that nagging feeling isn't you at all. It's the Holy Spirit trying to tell you that it's just not working doing it your way. The only way, ONLY WAY to feel at true peace is through Jesus Christ, period. But that's a good thing. Because when Jesus is in your life, your life gets better!

Sometimes at this point, the enemy comes in and we hear his voice inside our heads saying things like:
-"It's too late for me" LIE
-"I'm not worth it" LIE
-"I won't be able to measure up to how I'm supposed to live"-LIE
-"God doesn't care about me" BIG LIE
-"What about what other people may say" LIE
-Fill in the blank with youre personal one ALSO LIE!

But don't just take my word for it. Just start reading the Bible especially the New Testament. It's all there in black & white. Here's just a tiny bit of what the Bible says to the above lies.

-"It's too late for me "
"I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance". (Luke 15:7)

-"I'm not worth it"
"Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:29-31)

-"I won't be able to measure up to how I'm supposed to live"
"I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world." (John 16:33)

"God doesn't care about me "
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." (John 3:16)

"What about what other people may say ?"
"It does not concern me iin the least that I be judged by you or any human.... I am not conscious of anything against me, ... the one who judges me is the Lord." (1 Corinthians 4:3,4)

Friend, bottom line is It's Never too late. You Are important to God. You are supremely Important to Him. And furthermore with God, you are Never Never Never alone. Hey, if you feel you can't measure up. well that's good because that's His specialty! You are right about that but not measuring up doesn't scare Him away; doesn't anger Him away. Understand, we are referred to as His lost sheep & God is referred to as the Good Shephard just for that reason. It's OK to slip up, even to slip up big! Because all He wants is for you to always seek Him & to try to live as good as you can. If you mess up, just seek Him even more, ask for forgiveness with all your heart. No matter what it is, you will be forgiven. But seeking Him is the Key; He's ALWAYS seeking you.

Remember my question above? Was you're answer yes, that you sometimes feel lost? Well with Jesus You Are Found! You never have to feel lost again. He'll find you if you let Him. And have no fear to fail Him because "He's looking for a few bad men! "
God Bless You!
Praise God!