Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them...."

"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them:..." (Rom 12:6)

This is one of the most important things to remind ourslves of daily. Why? Because it looks simple and it is a simple idea. But there are far reaching ways to put this into practice.

This quote can be applied in two major ways. Firstly with ourslves. We must realize that we cannot be all things. It is just impossible. We are fallen man. However God has placed certain things in each of us that He wants, expects & even demands us to use. Usually we know what they are but if you're not sure simply get quiet, still, & simply ask the Lord with a clear mind & heart. You'll get your answer immediately and as clear as a bell. And I'll bet it won't come as a surprise to you. But whatever it is, now you need to put your focus on it. Spend time doing it, whatever it is. Don't question it. Just do it. You must realize that God put that thing there for a reason. You may never know what that reason is but it's there so use it. God made the entire universe. He knows why He gave you that talent. That quality may benefit anyone from your future ancestors to your next door neighbor! You just never know.
The scripture above goes on to say "...; if prophecy, a proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering, if one is a teacher, in teaching;...." (Rom 12:6,7) The point is put your heart, mind, passion, time & love into that thing or those things because that is His calling for you.
So what is it for you? If you don't know ask the Lord like above. Then thank Him for the talent(s) & then go do it!

The other way to use this is with others. This means we must accept people with all their positives & short comings. No one is perfect & we all have our flaws. Maybe your son isn't the best student but loves to play music. Or maybe your daughter isn't the star soccer player but loves animals. Maybe your parents are negative but are always there to help you. Maybe your spouse is great with the budget but eats to excess. No matter what it is, don't try to change them. Accept them. Some of the greatest people in history including Biblical heros had flaws, big flaws. but you'd never think badly of them becayse of their wonderful & important roles. This is really no different. Love these people in your lives; accept them. The fact is they are the only ones that can change their ways. Of course you can encourage them to change in a positive & supportive way. But never be rude, critical, disrespectful, mean or harsh to them especially about these things. If you do, you are essentially questioning God. Remember He has a plan. Your spouse will change when he or she is ready to change. When God gives them the lead, not you. Your child may end up excelling at the things she or he loves now. And nowadays people can make a career out of almost anything! Again who are you to decide? It's not your place. Run your own race. And be a blessing & not a curse to those around you.

The late Erma Bombeck had a great thought. She said when she gets to heaven she thinks they'll ask if she had any unused talent, job or gift left over to return. Nope she said. I've used up everything I received & "I'm as naked as the day I was born".
What a great thing to be able to say.

Remember, we all have talents & they are different for each of us. Don't question them because they are all from God. But make sure you use them & use them wisely. They were given to you for a reason. And know that someday you will have to give an account if you did not use them and use them wisely. Do your best to say like Erma wanted to that you have nothing to return; you've used it all up! Amen!
God Bless you!
To Him Be the Glory!


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