Friday, August 18, 2006

Unborn child

I have a dear friend who tried having children for years. After they found out that it was medically impossible they decided to adopt. One day I was browsing through an adoption web-site someone referred her to. In it there was a section where hopeful parents have their photo & a short section to write to the pregnant birth mothers to look through & hopefully choose them to adopt their unborn child. That got me thinking of those pregnant girls & women. There must be a lot of emotions they are going through at this time in their life. Maybe they feel badly, scared, confused, alone, regret, etc.

But then I realized that they have a wonderful person to identify with. The Blessed Mother Mary!!! She, too, was an unwed girl who became pregnant. True it was through divine intervention but she was to tell no one, not that anyone would have believed her anyway! Back then it was even a capital offence! Those of you out there that are in this situation, pray to Mary. She knows exactly what you’re going through. Can you imagine during that time how people must have pointed fingers, judged her, ridiculed her? But what a person to have as a role model! You have something in common with the queen of heaven & earth! Not too shabby! And another thing, God does not make mistakes. You’re pregnant because God wanted to bring your child, His child, into this world, at this time. There is a plan for this child, just like there is a plan for you. Just like there is a plan for the couple that may adopt him or her; just like there was a plan for Mary’s unborn child.

The average healthy woman is only fertile a few days a month. And even then there is only a 20% chance of her getting pregnant. The odds aren’t all that great. Yet you got pregnant.

How scared Mary must have been at times; how confused, how even unsure maybe. Probably all the same emotions you’re having right now. I’m sure she went through them too. I know you’re going through a challenging time right now too. But as hard as it is be strong! God needs you. In today’s world & in this country it’s very easy to make a decision you’ll probably regret. A decision that may make you feel worse because you can never never take it back. But Mary is there for you. She knows how you feel. And there are people out there to help you & most of all to help your child.

You are not alone

Jesus said in Matt 28:20 “Behold I am with you always until the end of the age.”
Imagine Him with you right now, standing next to you with His hand on your shoulder. Now realize that you don’t have to imagine it my friend because He is there. God’s promises are rock solid. He’s stronger than you & is always there with you. He’ll give you strength that you never knew you had. Yes, you can do this with some earthly help & some help from above. Just remember what the Bible says in Ephesians 6:10:
“Finally, draw your strength from the Lord, & from His might power”. You’ll be doing an awesome thing.
God Bless You!


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